Thief2 Model-Name/Archetype-Name List
(R Soul)

On the left is the model filename (*.bin), on the right is the archetype name.
Note that this does not include .bin files that aren't used by archetypes in the gamesys (e.g the guards from Thief 2 mission 1).
This also includes metaproprties with the Model Name property, but those are quite rare.

.bin file Archetype Name
10fence 10'ironFence
12x12pdr BasePressureDoor
2317b 23x17 GrayTower
3015b 30x15TudorBuild
3chair VicBlue3Chair
4820b 48x20GrayBuild
4x4safe Safedoor
5188 FourDigitDecal
5220b 52x20TudorBuild
5220bb 52x20_BrickBuild
6030bb 60x30_BrickBuild
88b 8x8 TudorTower
addoor01 AD4x8-1
ADDoor01 Mechanist4x8-1
addoor02 AD4x8-2
addoor03 AD4x8-3
addoor04 Ad4x8-4
addoor05 AD4x8-5
adoor1 3.5x4secret-door
adoor2 3x6secret-door
adoor3 7x6secret-door
ADwlitbs DecoBulb
ADwlite DecoWallLight
ADwlitvs DecoBulbShield
airpot AirPotion
alarm alarmlite
alarm RamirezAlarm
alcmixer AcidMixture
alcmixer QuickLimeMixture
alcmixer FlareMixture
alrmbut AlarmButton
altar Altar
Anchor1 Anchor
anteni21 Antenna
antswitc MechAntennaSwitch
ape01 ApeBeast
ape02 ApeBlowpipe
apedart BlowgunDart
apple Apple
archer01 bow man
archer01 BankBowman
archer02 bowman2
area411 AreaDecal
armbedj Bed-Victorian2
armiore Armiore
armoirej VicArmoire
arrow QuivArrow
arrow broadhead
arrow AssassinArrow
arrow XBowDart
arrow EmitStreamTrap
arrow EmitterTrap
arrow RopeArrow
arrow RopeyArrow
arrow EmitCrystal2ndStream
arrow TurretArrow
arrowbro broken_arrow
arrowgas GasArrow
arrowhw HolyH2OArrow
arrowhw ArrowIsHoly
arrowup Arrow
arrowvin VineArrow
arrowwat water
ArrVClmp VineClump
ashbook BookOfAsh
astroch1 AstroChart1
astroch2 AstroChart2
astroch3 AstroChart3
bafpaint Painting3
bafscept BaffordScepter
bafseat2 BaffordStyleCh
Banas3 BaffBanner
banasi secretbanner
Banasi HammBanner
bancut CutHammBanner
bancut2 CutBlueBanner
bancut3 CutBaffBanner
bankpole FeltRopePost
bankrope FeltRope
banksign BankSign
bankwin1 OpenWin5x4
Banne2_4 FlutterBan2_0
BantNode BantamNode
barhoop BarrelHoop
barnac MawDome
barnac Barnacle
barpole barberpole
barrel Barrel
barrel Barrel 0
barrel Crate
barrel1 Skull Barrel
barrel1a SmalSkulBarel
barrela SmalBarrel0
barrelex Powderkeg
barrot1 RotBarrel1
barrot2 RotBarrelSm
barrot2a RotBarrelSm2
barrot3 RotBarrelBroke
BCavador MechGasMasked
bedcon ConBed
BedCrude CrudeBedroll
bedroll Bedroll
bedsitab VicBedTable
Bell Bell
bell2 SwingingBell
Bigmotha BigMotha
blacjack Blackjack
blastdr1 MechBlastDoor
blastsh1 MechBlastShield
bleaf1j LargeLeafPlant
bleaf2j FlowerPlant
blodsp1 blood1
blodsp1 DamnSpot
blodsp1 ExBlood1
blodsp1b BugBloodStain
blodsp1c CrayBloodStain
blodsp1z ZombieBloodStain
blodsp2 blood2
blodsp3 blood3
blowpump Bellows
blsplat1 bloodtrail3
blsplat2 bloodtrail1
blsplat3 bloodtrail2
bluelite LCLite
bone1 tibia
bonepile PileOBones
bookdoor LibSecretDoor
bookgry Book
bookgry grey book
bookgry handwritledger
bookgry printledger
bookred red book
bottle Bottle
bottle bottle1
bottle2 bottle2
bottle5 5_Bottles
bowlorn Bowl
bowlorn OrnateBowl
bowlwd WoodBowl
brazrlt LC_BrazierUsed
Bread BreadLoaf
bucket1 Bucket
bug3 BugBeast
bug3 BugBeastFetal
bulbmine MineBulb
bunk Bunk
bunkbed Bunkbed
bunsen burner
buscroll Schematics
bush01 Bush01
bush02 Bush02
bush03 Bush03
bush04 Bush04
bush06 BushWhiteSculp
bushfal1 DetBush1Fall
bushfal2 DetBush2Fall
bushj1 DetBush1Summer
bushj2 DetBush2Summer
bushsno1 DetBush1Snow
bushsno2 DetBush2Snow
bushspr1 DetBush1Spring
bushspr2 DetBush2Spring
bushwin1 DetBush1Winter
bushwin2 DetBush2Winter
button Button
button2 NumberButton
cabinet Container
cabinet Cabinet
caltrop Particle
camnew0 CameraPart
camnew1 SecCamera2
camshar0 CameraFlinder0
camshar1 CameraFlinder1
camshar2 CameraFlinder2
camshar3 CameraFlinder3
candle1 Candle1
candle2 Candle2
canhold Candlestick
canonbal Cannonball
canonbal BotCannonball
canonbal TurretCannonball
canstic2 Candle+Stick2
canstick Candle+Stick1
cards DeckofCards
carptab CarpenterTable
carrots Carrots
cart Cart
cashbox HagenEvidence
catfl124 Catwpiece1
catflr44 Catwpiece2
catflr84 Catwpiece3
catsup1 CatWsupport45
catsup2 HvyCatWsup45
CBBoiler CombatBotBoiler
CBclaw CombatBotClaw
CBfoot CombatBotFoot
CBhead CombatBotHead
CBlarm CombatBotLeftArm
CBthigh CombatBotThigh
chafands BrokenFancyChair
chain Chain
chair Chair
chair wooden chair
chair CoveredChairs
chair MechChairs
chair VictorianChairs
chairdes BrokenChair
chairfan FancyChair
chairgld GoldChair
chairold OldChair
chairorn ornate chair
chandee GlassChandelier
charedw1 burnt_wood1
charedw2 burnt_wood2
charedw3 burnt_wood3
chdlr chandelier
cheese Cheese
chelevat hammLift
chestloc Chest
Chisel BuilderChisel
chrbug BugCocoon
chrcray CraymanCocoon
chrmon ApeCocoon
chrspid SpiderCocoon
churpart Pew Partition
clock ClockWorks
clockeye ClockworkEye
clodrap1 ClosetDrapes
cloisgat CloisterGate
coflid LC_SarcophagusLid
coflidf LC_SarcophagusLid2
coftab1 VicCoffeeTab1
coftab2 VicCoffeeTab2
Coil Coil
Coil02 Coil02
Coil03 Coil03
coinbig Coin
coinscop CopperCoinStack
coinsgol GoldCoinStack
coinssil SilverCoinStack
colfltr CollBrij6x6
colldish CollectionPlate
comdown CombatBotCorpse
compass NavCompass
compass2 Compass2
conbook TricksterBook
contree8 BigAssTree
contree8 BigTreeBase
contree8 Old_BigAssTrees
control ControlPanel
control1 MechControl
convey00 ConvTop20x4
convey2 Conveyor20x4
cop01 SheriffsGuard
cop02 SheriffsGuard2
Cop03 SheriffsNoKO
coparc01 SheriffsBowman
cops01 SheriffsSergeant
copw01 SheriffGuardFem
copw02 SheriffsArchFem
cradlej1 CradlePeasant
cradlej2 CradleNoble
crank AutoCrank
craygod LC_CraymanIdol
crubble3 BStoneChunk
crubble4 BStoneBlock
crumbook CrumbleBook
crushwal CrushingWall
crushwal ReallyCrushingWall
cryemit1 WholeCrystal
cryemit2 EmitCrystal
cryemit2 SlantCrystal
cryemit3 HalfCrystal
crypt Sarcophagus
crypt2 Crypt2
crypt3 Crypt3
cryst-z CrystalChunk
crystal AirCrystal
cuchash3 CovVicCushyChair
cuckoo Cuckoo
cuke Cucumber
cultivat Cultivator
cushchai VicCushyChair1
cushcoj2 VicFormalCouch
cushcosh CovVicCouch2
cushcow VicCushyChair2
cushj2 VicFormalChair
cushjsh2 CovVicForamlChair
cushott VicOttoman
dbwaiter DumbWaiter
dectable VicShrtRndTab
DeerLeg DeerLeg
desk RamirezDesk
deskchai VicSmallDeskChair
deskj1 VicDesk1
deskj2 VicDesk2
desksec VicSmallDesk
diamdril DrillBit
dice Dice
dincab VicHutch
dinchaj VicDineChair
dinchaj2 VicDineChair2
dinchshe CovVicArmchair
dintabj VicDiningTable
dintabj2 LgVicDinTable
doffice whd4x8-3
domedias DomeDias
door01 Door1
door01 Door
door01 Door3.5x7
door01 slidy_door
door01 spinny_door
door01 door4x7
door01 trapdoor
door01 BoxLidDoor
door01 Whd4x8
door01 door3x6
door01 overhead_door
door01 door4x8
door01 door2.5x8
door01 door3x7
door01 barricade
door01 D3.5x7Wood
door01 Door6x10
door01 Door5x8
door01 OpenableWindow
door01 ArtDeco4x8
door01 VicM01-4x8
door01 VicM04-4x8
door01 VicM08-4x8
door01 VicM09-4x8
door01 VicM12-4x8
door01 SlidSecretDoors
door01 Whousedoors
door01 SpinSecretDoors
door01 SpecialDoors
door02 Door2
door03 Door3
door04 Door4
door05 Door5
door06 Door6
door07 Door7
door08 Door8
door09 Door9
door10 Door10
door11 Door11
door12 Door12
door13 Door13
door16 LockerDoor
door17sw sewer hatch
door19 door_ham_panel
door19a door_ham_suns
door20 door_ham_insign
door21 MetalDoor21
door22 HamMetDoor
door91 Wood4x8
door92 ReinfWood4x8
doorkeep KeeperDoor
doorkep2 Keeper4x8
doorl204 4x7rusty
dor18x12 whbaydoor1
dor18x24 whbaydoor2
dor4x10 wh4x10
dor5x12 wh5x12
dor5x8 BankDoor5x8
dor6x10 BankDoor6x10
dorange whd4x8-1
dorblack whd4x8-2
dorfrenc FrenchDoor
dorport GiantPort
dorred RedDoor
dorwbars BarredDoor
dpump Swing-Arm Pump
drain manhole
drape1 DrapeBeige
drape2 DrapeRed
drape3 DrapeTeal
drape4 DrapeGreen
drawbrij Drawbridge
drebed Bed-Victorian1
dresserj VicDresser
DrHerbs1 Herbs
DrHerbs1 Herbs1
DrHerbs2 Herbs2
DrHerbs3 Herbs3
drwd47 4x7wood
drwd47a 4x7wood-w-bands
dstat1 Statue1
dstat1 stat1
dstat2 Statue2
dstat2 stat2
dstat3 Statue3
dstat3 stat3
dstat4 Statue4
dstat4 stat4
earthcry EarthCrystal
elair AirTalisman
elearth EarthTalisman
elecarm HingedAntenna
elecbox JctBox
eleclgh ElecWallLight
eleclgh OldElecWallLight
eleclgh2 HangingShort
eleclgh2 OldHangingShort
eleclghh HangElecLight
eleclghh OldHangElecLight
eleclit1 MechWallLight
eleclmin MineLight
elecspo2 HangSpotFlush
elecspot HangingSpot
elevator ElevPlatform
elevbut ElevatorButton
elfire FireTalisman
eltransf Transformer03
elwater H2OTalisman
emergl2 GroundEmergencyLight
emerglit EmergencyLight
emitm1 EmitMouthMetLg
emitm2 EmitMouthMetSm
emitw1 EmitMouthWdLg
emitw2 EmitMouthWdSm
ertharo EarthArrow
expbeneg Apparition
expcharg ExplosiveCharge
expconms ApeBeastFetal
exphnovi ham novice
exphnovi Mech_Novice
expl2 CannonballExplosion
expl2 FireShowerBoom
expl2 FireBoltExplosion
expl4 LandMineExplosion
expmine Mine
expmine ActiveMine
expmine ActiveFlashMine
expmine DischargingMine
exprammc BaseRamirez
expserv2 servant
expservt ServantWithTray
extcpfir doused_campfire
eyeplant EyeballPlant
eyetop TheEye
fan MechanicalFan
fanbed FancyBed
fanchair VicArmchair
fancouch VicCouch
fantrash WasteBaskGold
felixarr Felix_->
felixx Felix_X
fence01 Railing1
fence02 Railing2
fence03 Railing3
fence04 Railing4
fence05 Railing5
fernonly FernPlant
Filedor FileCabDoor
finger CrystalFingerBase
finger2 CrystalThumb
firarr firearr
fireb1 firebolt
fireb1 fireboltSpeed30
fireb1 fireboltSpeed40
fireb1 fireboltSpeed50
fireb1 fireboltSpeed60
fireb1 fireboltSpeed20
fireb1 firebolt1000
fireb1 GravFirebolt
fireb1 Tiltowait
fireb1 firestarter
fireb1 FireShowerShot
fireb1 ElementalSummon
fireb1 FireJetShot
fireb1 MineCharge
firecry FireCrystal
Firep03 FirePlace3
Firep3b FP_Base
Firep3m MantlePiece
Firepin FP_Wood
Firepl01 FirePlace1
Firepl02 FirePlace2
Firepl04 FirePlace4
Firepl05 FirePlace5
Firepl06 PoorFirePlace
flame1c Flame
flame1c DynFlame
flare01 Flare
flare02 LitFlare
flashbom Flashbomb
fleleaf FleshEatLeaf
fleshyp FleshEating
flshmine FlashMine
flute Flute
flux FluxSpheroid
footlock FootLocker
fpoker PrizedFirePoker
fpost01 RailPost1
fpost02 RailPost2
frgbeas FrogBeast
Frogegg FrogEgg
frozfish FishFrozen
FrShard1 EggFlinders
FrShard1 EggShard1
FrShard2 EggShard2
FrShard3 EggShard3
FrShard4 EggShard4
FrShard5 EggShard5
FrShard6 EggShard6
FrShard7 EggShard7
fungb2 litemush_durabl
fungball litemush_fragil
FX_Heat HeatDisk
FX_particle Spark
FX_particle GasFlame
FX_Particle TrailySplash
FX_Particle FrogSplat
FX_particle VicGlowGas
FX_particle FireFX
FX_Particle FireDrops
FX_Particle FireDrops2
FX_particle ExplodFX
FX_Particle WaterArrFX
FX_Particle H2OSplash
FX_Particle H2OCore
FX_particle burpfx
FX_Particle FElemHit
FX_Particle ParticleBridge
FX_Particle ParticlePole
FX_Particle SparkShower
FX_Particle BloodSplash
FX_Particle H20Stream
FX_Particle H2OStreamFlat
FX_Particle ExRope
FX_Particle SawdustSplash
FX_Particle HolyH2OCore
FX_Particle BigBigFireDrops
FX_Particle BugBoom
FX_Particle H2OFountain
FX_Particle TalismanField
FX_Particle TalismanFX
FX_Particle TalismanZap
FX_Particle HammerSpellHandsA
FX_Particle HammerSpellHandsB
FX_Particle ElementalExplode
FX_Particle ExVine
FX_Particle BugFX
FX_Particle BugCloud
FX_Particle BugCloudCore
FX_Particle RitualPhaseOne
FX_Particle RitualPhaseTwo
FX_Particle PhaseOneA
FX_Particle PhaseOneB
FX_Particle PhaseOneC
FX_Particle PhaseTwoA
FX_Particle PhaseOneD
FX_Particle PhaseOneE
FX_Particle PhaseOneF
FX_Particle PhaseOneG
FX_Particle PhaseTwoB
FX_Particle PhaseTwoC
FX_Particle PhaseTwoD
FX_Particle PhaseTwoE
FX_Particle PhaseTwoF
FX_Particle PhaseTwoG
FX_Particle ParticleBeam
FX_Particle TemporaryBugCloud
FX_Particle ZombieKaboom
FX_Particle HolyWaterFountainA
FX_Particle HolyWaterFountainB
FX_Particle BugHalo
FX_Particle FrogSplash
FX_Particle BigZapArc
FX_Particle BubbBlob
FX_Particle ElectricLampCenterBall
FX_Particle ElectricLampOutsideBall
FX_Particle ElectricLampBubbles
FX_Particle ElectricLampConeA
FX_Particle ElectricLampConeB
FX_Particle ElemSmoke
FX_Particle FireElementalYellow
FX_Particle Colltower N greenball
FX_Particle TorchFlameYellow
FX_Particle TorchFlameSmoke
FX_Particle Colltower E greenball
FX_Particle ExplosionCenterBall
FX_Particle ExplosionMiddleBall
FX_Particle ExplosionOutsideBall
FX_Particle CauldronSmoke
FX_Particle CaudronFire
FX_Particle CauldronBubbles
FX_Particle LavaSmokeColumn
FX_Particle Centerbelch
FX_Particle OuterBelch
FX_Particle BelchHitCenter
FX_Particle BelchHitMiddle
FX_Particle BelchHitOuter
FX_Particle EggPopCenter
FX_Particle EggPopMiddle
FX_Particle EggPopOuter
FX_Particle ZombieBloodSplash
FX_Particle EyeGlowBlue
FX_Particle EyeGlowSpiral
FX_Particle MawFountainEarth
FX_Particle MawFountainWater
FX_Particle MawFountainFire
FX_Particle MawFountainAir
FX_Particle MawPortalGasA
FX_Particle MawPortalGasB
FX_Particle BLfatspiral
FX_Particle BLpulseball
FX_Particle BLthinspiral
FX_Particle BLbigspiral
FX_Particle BRfatspiral
FX_Particle BRpulseball
FX_Particle BRthinspiral
FX_Particle BRbigspiral
FX_Particle GRfatspiral
FX_Particle GRpulseball
FX_Particle GRthinspiral
FX_Particle GRbigspiral
FX_Particle DKBfatspiral
FX_Particle DKBpulseball
FX_Particle DKBthinspiral
FX_Particle DKBbigspiral
FX_Particle LTBfatspiral
FX_Particle LTBpulseball
FX_Particle LTBthinspiral
FX_Particle LTBbigspiral
FX_Particle ORfatspiral
FX_Particle ORpulseball
FX_Particle ORthinspiral
FX_Particle ORbigspiral
FX_Particle REDfatspiral
FX_Particle REDpulseball
FX_Particle REDthinspiral
FX_Particle REDbigspiral
FX_Particle TORNADOballs
FX_Particle TORNADOoutspiral
FX_Particle TORNADOinspiral
FX_Particle TORNADOwind
FX_Particle NewParticleBeam
FX_Particle Colltower W greenball
FX_Particle Colltower S greenball
FX_Particle Colltower N thickstream
FX_Particle Colltower E thickstream
FX_Particle Colltower W thickstream
FX_Particle Colltower S thickstream
FX_Particle Colltower N thin stream
FX_Particle Colltower E thin stream
FX_Particle Colltower W thin stream
FX_Particle Colltower S thin stream
FX_Particle Colltower middle ball
FX_Particle Colltower ball glow
FX_Particle redsmoke part 1
FX_Particle redsmoke part 2 (sparks)
FX_Particle Nebula part 1
FX_Particle Nebula part 2
FX_Particle Green star part 1
FX_Particle Green Star part 2
FX_Particle Green Star part 3
FX_Particle Purple Drip part 1
FX_Particle Purple Drip part 2
FX_Particle Ice crystal (single) part 1
FX_Particle Ice crystal (single) part 2
FX_Particle Ice crystal (field) part 1
FX_Particle Ice crystal (field) part 2
FX_Particle Evil red smoke
FX_Particle ConSwordFieldA
FX_Particle ConSwordFieldB
FX_Particle CathedralDoorsTop
FX_Particle CathedralDoorsBottom
FX_Particle MawExplodeA
FX_Particle MawExplodeB
FX_Particle EarthFountainDeathA
FX_Particle EarthFountainDeathB
FX_Particle AirFountainDeathA
FX_Particle AirFountainDeathB
FX_Particle FireFountainDeathA
FX_Particle FireFountainDeathB
FX_Particle WaterFountainDeathA
FX_Particle WaterFountianDeathB
FX_Particle HammerSpellCore
FX_Particle HammerSpellTrail
FX_Particle HammerspellSparkle
FX_Particle HammerspellHit
FX_Particle MagicMissileTrailA
FX_Particle MagicMissileTrailB
FX_Particle MagicMissileHit
FX_Particle HolyWaterHitA
FX_Particle HolyWaterHitB
FX_Particle HolyWaterHitC
FX_Particle HauntSmoke
FX_Particle EyeTrapA
FX_Particle EyeTrapB
FX_Particle WispBody
FX_Particle WispTail
FX_Particle Sawbladesparks
FX_Particle CBallFuseSparks
FX_Particles FlameSparx
FX_Particles ElemSparkz
FX_Particles SmokePuff
FX_Particles SteamPuff
FX_Particles BurpPuff
FX_Particles GasArrPuff
FX_Particles FireArrowTrail
FX_Particles SteamPipePuff
FX_Particles FireJetz
FX_particles CloudFX
FX_particles AirCrystalCloud
FX_Particles FireParticleFX
FX_Particles BoltTrail
FX_Particles GasArrPuffCore
FX_Particles FireCone
FX_Particles FireArrowOrangeGlow
FX_Particles FireArrowYellowGlow
FX_Particles FireArrowSmoke
FX_Particles FireplaceSmoke
FX_Particles FireplaceYellow
FX_Particles FireplaceOrange
FX_Particles FireArrowFX
FX_Particles FireplaceFX
FX_Particles TorchFX
FX_Particles FireElementalFX
FX_Particles CannonSmoke
FX_Particles CannonFlash
FX_Particles RoboSteam
g2flin1 LGBan2Flin1
g2flin10 LGBan2Flin10
g2flin11 LGBan2Flin11
g2flin2 LGBan2Flin2
g2flin3 LGBan2Flin3
g2flin4 LGBan2Flin4
g2flin5 LGBan2Flin5
g2flin6 LGBan2Flin6
g2flin7 LGBan2Flin7
g2flin8 LGBan2Flin8
g2flin9 LGBan2Flin9
gamble GamblingTable
gargoy Gargoyle
gargoy SmGarg
gargoy2 ChickenGargoyl
gargoy2 SmChickGarg
garml GoldArmLeft
garmr GoldArmRight
gasball RustGasCan
gaslite5 NiceTorch
gaslite5 gaslight
gaslite5 gaslights
gasmine GasMine
gasmine ActiveGasMine
gateceme CemetaryGate
gatesm GateSmall
Gauge01 Gauge01
Gauge01 InvGauge
Gauge02 Gauge02
Gauge03 Gauge03
Gauge04 Gauge04
gbanner BramBanner1
gbanner BramBanner2
gbanner LG_Banner
gbanner2 LG_Ban2
gcut CutLGBanner1
gcut2 CutLGBanner2
gear01 Gear
gear01 Gear01
gear01 MovingGear
gear02 Gear02
gear02 MovingGear2
gear03 Gear03
gearbron bronzegear
gearbron HammerSpell
gearmet metalgear
gearmol QuestyGear
gearsilv silvergear
gflin1 LGBan1Flin1
gflin10 LGBan1Flin10
gflin11 LGBan1Flin11
gflin2 LGBan1Flin2
gflin3 LGBan1Flin3
gflin4 LGBan1Flin4
gflin5 LGBan1Flin5
gflin6 LGBan1Flin6
gflin7 LGBan1Flin7
gflin8 LGBan1Flin8
gflin9 LGBan1Flin9
glasses Eyeglasses
glasses2 GoldEyeglasses
glegl GoldLegLeft
glegr GoldLegRight
globebox NavGlobe
glocbro0 bronzegearbox
glocmet0 metalgearbox
glocsil0 silvergearbox
gltools GlassTools
gobiron Goblet
gobiron IronGoblet
gobiron TrGob
gobwdmed WoodGoblet
golddie GoldDice
gong Gong
granfat1 GrandfatherClock
grasj1 Grass1
grasj2 Grass2
grasj3 Grass3
gravdeat graveDeathStatue
gravmau mausoleum
gravobl graveobelisk
gravst1 gravestone1
gravst2 gravestone2
gravst3 gravestone3
gravst4 gravestone4
gravst5 gravestone5
gskull GoldSkull
hairbr Hairbrush
hamball Basketball
hambook HammerBook
hambook HammerJournal
hamcrate WoodCrateHamme
hamcrude AncientHammer
hamgold GoldHammer
hamhand hammer_haft
hamhead hammer_head
hamicon HammerIcon
hamicon SmallHammerIco
hamlong CritterWeapHammer
hamlong Warhammer
hammis11 CeremonialHammer
hammold HammerMold
hammold2 HammerMold2
hamplaq GoldHammerPlaque
hamplaq false label
hamrelic StoneHammer
hamscrol HammerScroll
hamshort ShortHammer
hamsol01 ham guard
hamsol01 HammerCorpse
hamsol02 hamguard2
hamstat HammerStatue
hamzom1 HamZomTorso
hamzom2 HamZomArm+Hand
hamzom3 HamZomHand
hamzom4 HamZomHead
hamzom5 HamZomPelvis+Thigh
hamzom6 HamZomLeg
hamzom7 HamZomLeg+Foot
handdril MechDrill
handmiro HandMirror
handogl HandOfGlory
hang1 Painting
hang1 Painting1
hang1 Portraits
hang1 OldPaintings
hang1 Paint25_6x3.5
hanky Hagen'sCloth
Harp Harp
haunt01 Haunt
hbanner HagenBan
hcut CutHagenBanner
helev11 MechaLift
hiltmol sword_hilt
hlamp HangingLamp
holybub HealingFont
holyfont Font
holyham HolyHammer
homing0 HomingIntact
homing1 HomingInProgress
homing1 HIPStage0
homing2 HIPStage1
homing3 HIPStage2
homing4 HIPStage3
homplug0 Socket
homplug1 GarrHomPlugged
hook CoatHook
hook2 SecretHookLever
hopches1 VicHopeChest
hornquin HornOfQuintus
hornquin Horn
hwflask HolyH2O
icyc1 Icicle1
icyc2 Icicle2
icyc3 Icicle3
intclois CloisterGate2
invsvial InvisiPotion
ironchas IronChassis
jackhamm Jackhammer
jar LgCanister
jarflour Flour Jar
jarsalt Salt Jar
jarsm SmCanister
jarsugar Sugar Jar
karport KarrasPaint
keepbook KeeperJournal
keeper01 KeeperAgent
keepmed KeeperMedal
keepsent KeepStat-Sentinel
keeptabl Keeper Tabletop
keplean1 bks_1
keplean2 bks_2
keplean3 bks_3
keplean4 bks_4
keplean5 bks_5
keplearn KeepStat-Learned
key1a Key-or-Part
key1a Key1
key1a RubyEye
key1a Key
key2a Key2
key3a Key3
key4a Key4
key5a Key5
keyorg Key7Orange
keyred Key6Red
keywax1 WaxCube
keywax1 JunkWax
keywax2 BadWax
keywax2 GoodWax
khoming1 HomingPlugged
kitcfauc SinkKnob
kneeler Kneeler
knife01 Knife
knife02 Butcher Knife
knobmol doorknob
lab Lab_Equipment
ladder ladder
ladder10 ladder10
ladder12 ladder12
ladder15 ladder15
ladder18 ladder18
ladder20 ladder20
ladder24 ladder24
ladder30 ladder30
ladder75 mladder75
ladder8 ladder8
lcbed LC_Bed
lcbook PurpleBook
lcbrazr LC_Brazier
lcbridge LC_Bridge
lccanopi LC_CanopicJar
lcchest LC_Chest
lcchestr LC_ChestDestroyed
lcfalsed LC_FalseFloor
lcgear LC_Gear
lcgem LC_Gem
lcheadr LC_Headrest
lcjar LC_Jar1
lcjar2 LC_Jar2
lcjar3 LC_Jar3
lcpan LC_Plaque
lcscroll LC_Scroll
lcscrosp LC_Scroll2
lcstat2 LC_Cthulhu
lcstone1 LC_BlockLg
lcstone2 LC_BlockSm
lctap LC_Tapestry
lctowd LC_TowerDoor
lctowg LC_TowerGate
lever01 Lever01
lever02 Lever02
lever03 BigFloorLever
levmol junklever
lgwire WireSnake8
Lilmotha LilMotha
litebeak lhousebeacon
litelift LightFloor
litewin1 LtHouseWin8x16
litewin2 BrkLtHouseWin8x16
locbuton KnobButton
lockboxl Lockboxes
lockboxl Lockbox
lockboxl ProxyLockbox
Locker01 GymLockerDoor
lockpick LockPickLG
lockpics BothLockPicks
lockpisq LockPickSM
lockrod LockingRod
lotpouc2 Purse
luckcoin ScatteredCoins
M01vdr01 VM01-4x8-1
m01vdr02 VM01-4x8-2
m01vdr03 VM01-4x8-3
m01vdr04 VM01-4x8-4
m01vdr05 VM01-4x8-5
M04vdr01 VM04-4x8-1
M04vdr02 VM04-4x8-2
M04vdr03 VM04-4x8-3
M04vdr04 VM04-4x8-4
M04vdr05 VM04-4x8-5
M08vdr01 VM08-4x8-1
M08vdr02 VM08-4x8-2
M08vdr03 VM08-4x8-3
M08vdr04 VM08-4x8-4
M08vdr05 VM08-4x8-5
M09vdr01 VM09-4x8-1
M09vdr02 VM09-4x8-2
M09vdr03 VM09-4x8-3
M09vdr04 VM09-4x8-4
M09vdr05 VM09-4x8-5
M12vdr01 VM12-4x8-1
M12vdr02 VM12-4x8-2
M12vdr03 VM12-4x8-3
M12vdr04 VM12-4x8-4
M12vdr05 VM12-4x8-5
macemec MechMace
magbrig MagicBridge
magdev MagicConDevice
magmis1 MagicMissile
magped1 RitualPoint
magped2 RitualAltar
magped3 RitualMarker
magstat mage
magstat stat7
magtable BigTable
maiden IronMaiden
malsev01 MaleServ1
malsev02 MaleServ2
malsev02 LibraryApparition
manhold OblongManhole
marstl01 Canopy
marstl01 Canopy-PurpOrange
marstl02 Canopy-RedBlue1
marstl03 Canopy-Purple
marstl04 Canopy-RedBlue2
mask01 LC_Mask1
masksta1 MaskStand1
masksta2 MaskStand2
mawcray CraymanFetal
mawstrip MawRitualLine
mbanner MosleyBan
mcblual2 MechBlueAlarm
mcflin1 MechFlin1
mcflin2 MechFlin2
mcflin3 MechFlin3
mcflin4 MechFlin4
mcflin5 MechFlin5
mcflin6 MechFlin6
mcflin7 MechFlin7
mcouch01 MechCouch
mcredal2 MechRedAlarm
mctable1 MechSmallTable
mctable1 MechDineTable
mcut CutMosleyBanner
mecban1 MechBanner
mecban2 MechBan2
mecbed Bed-ArtDeco1
mecbed2 Bed-ArtDeco2
mecboo MechBook
mecchair MechDeskChair
MecCon01 MechMaskGuard
meccut1 CutMechBanner1
meccut2 CutMechBanner2
mecdesk MechDeskSmall
mecdesk MechDesk
mecgas0 MechGaslight
mecgear GoldGear
mecgear GoldMoveGear
mechair2 MechDineChair
Mechtow MechTower
meclamp MechHangLamp
meclock2 MechClock
meclock3 CuckooClock
mecpew Pew
mecplac MechPlaque
mecpole SignPole
MecPrs01 ham priest
MecPrs01 Mech_priest
MecPrs01 MaleMechPhantom2
MecPrW01 Mech_Priestess
mecprw01 FemMechPhantom
mecser01 MechServ1
mecser02 MechServ2
mecser03 MechServ3
mecshrin MechShrineStatue
MecSlM01 Mech_guard
MecSlM01 MechMace1
MecSlM02 MechMace2
MecSol01 MechSword
mecsol01 Mech_Corpse
MecSolUB MechNoKO
mecspot1 MechSpotLight
mecsub01 MechSubMace
mecsub02 MechArchSub
MecSub03 MechArchFrogman
MecSW01 MechMaceFem
MecSw02 MechArcherFem
mector01 MechTorch
MecWor01 Mech_worker
MecWor01 ham worker
MecWor02 Mech_worker_2
mecwor02 MaleMechPhantom1
metladdr metal_ladder
metplate PlateO'Metal
mflin1 MosleyFlin1
mflin10 MosleyFlin10
mflin11 MosleyFlin11
mflin2 MosleyFlin2
mflin3 MosleyFlin3
mflin4 MosleyFlin4
mflin5 MosleyFlin5
mflin6 MosleyFlin6
mflin7 MosleyFlin7
mflin8 MosleyFlin8
mflin9 MosleyFlin9
mflrlmp1 MechFloorLamp
mis11cbt CamoButton-Tile
mis11pla MoldPlate
mis11sd 4x8secret-door
mis4stfl FloorPlaque
mkeyring SheriffEvidence
mlad12 mladder12
mlad18 mladder18
mlad20 mladder20
mlad24 mladder24
mlad30 mladder30
monbox MoneyBox
monker Compass
moss_1 moss0.5
moss_1 exmoss0.5
moss_2 moss1.0
moss_2 mosspad
moss_2 exmoss1.0
mossball mossspore
mossball lilmossspore
mosslump mosslump
mosslump exmosslump
msmlamp2 SmallTabLamp
mtstat3 stat5
MtStat3 SmallMechAngel
multmold MultiMold
muse Muse
muse stat6
neight Num_Eight
newt01 TorchLever
newt02 torches
newt02 torch
nfive Num_Five
nfour Num_Four
nmask01 LC_Mask2
nmask01 MaskServant
nmask02 MaskWhite
nmask03 MaskNoh
nmask04 MaskTreebeast
nmask05 MaskDemon
nmask06 MaskBugaku
nmask07 MaskMonster
nmask08 MaskInuit
nmask09 MaskPrecursor2
nmask10 MaskPrecursor1
nnine Num_Nine
noblem01 MaleNoble
noblem02 MaleNoble2
noblem03 MaleNoble3
noblem04 MaleNoble4
noblew01 FemaleNoble
noblew02 FemaleNoble2
noblew03 FemaleNoble3
noblew04 FemaleNoble4
noisearr noise
noizwave NoiseArrFX
none Num_One
nseven Num_Seven
nsix Num_Six
nten Num_Ten
nthree Num_Three
ntwo Num_Two
nuggold GoldNugget
nugsilv SilverNugget
numread Odometer
ofchair1 OfficeChair
Offdesk1 OfficeDesk1
Offdesk2 OfficeDesk2Cab
offdor2 whd4x8-4
paganc01 KidPaganPhantom
PaganC01 PaganChild
paganm01 MalePaganPhantom
PaganM01 PaganManWhite
paganm02 MalePaganPhantom2
PaganM02 PaganManBlack
paganw01 FemPaganPhantom
PaganW01 PaganWoman
pagdoll PaganDoll
paghead1 StoneHeadFull
paglit01 PaganLight
pagtor02 PaganTorch
pail Pail
paint1 Painting2
paint10 Painting12
paint11 Painting13
paint18 Paint18_8x5
paint19 Paint19_3.5x6
paint2 Painting4
paint20 Paint20_3x4.5
paint21 Paint21_3x4.5
paint22 Paint22_3x4.5
paint23 Paint23_3x4.5
paint24 Paint24_2.5x6
paint26 Paint26_3x6
paint27 Paint27_6.5x6
paint28 Paint28_6.5x4.5
paint29 Paint29_3.5x2.5
paint3 Painting5
paint30 Paint30_3.5x2.5
paint31 Paint31_6x2.5
paint32 Paint32_3x6
paint4 Painting6
paint5 Painting7
paint6 Painting8
paint7 Painting9
paint8 Painting10
paint9 Painting11
pan01 Tall Pan
pan02 Skillet
pan03 Deep Cooker
paperb1 CrumpledPaper
paphold1 PaperTrayGold
pbanner CityWatchBan
pbroom Broom
pcut CutWatchBanner
ped1 Pedestal_Marble
ped2 SmallPedestal_Marble
ped3 Pedestal6sidesLg
ped3top Pedestal6sidesSm
pedestal PPlatPedestal
penhold1 PenHoldGlold
pew Hampew
PewBeDes DestroyedOldPew
PewBench OldPew
Pewsim SimplePew
peyel LEyeNoRuby
peyer REyeNoRuby
pflin1 WatchFlin1
pflin10 WatchFlin10
pflin11 WatchFlin11
pflin2 WatchFlin2
pflin3 WatchFlin3
pflin4 WatchFlin4
pflin5 WatchFlin5
pflin6 WatchFlin6
pflin7 WatchFlin7
pflin8 WatchFlin8
pflin9 WatchFlin9
pick Pick
piflag PirateFlag
piller01 piller01
piller02 piller02
Pipe01 Pipe01
Pipe02 Pipe02
Pipe03 Pipe03
Pipe04 Pipe04
Pipe05 Pipe05
Pipe06 Pipe06
Pipe07 Pipe07
Pipe08 Pipe08
pipearm1 GPipeArm1
pipearm2 GPipeArm2
pipearm3 GPipeArm3
pipearm4 GPipeArm4
pipearm5 GPipeArm5
pipearm6 GPipeArm6
piraches SeaChest
piston1 JointedPiston
plank5 BoardUp
plant01 Plant01
plant02 Plant02
plant03 Potted1
plant04 FBedRed
plant05 FBedWite
plant06 FBedPurp
plantst1 VicPlantStand
plaqb GoldPlaque
plaqb shipping label
platbump CarBumper
platcar1 EmptyFlatcar
platcar2 PumpedFlatcar
platcar3 CoalFlatcar
platcar4 NormalMinecar
plate1 Dec_Plate1
plate2 Dec_Plate2
plate3 Dec_Plate3
plate4 Dec_Plate4
plate5 Dec_Plate5
plate6 Dec_Plate6
platemtl Plate
platemtl MetalPlate
platemtl DecorPlate
platemtl sawblade
platemtl OldPlates
plateorn OrnatePlate
playbill Playbill
playbox Garrett
playbox EvilGarrett
port1216 Port12x16
port4x6 SubPortalLarge
port812 Port8x12
portal PortalPost
porthole MawPortal
porticu Portcullis
porticu Port3Vert2Horz
porticu3 Port4Vert3Horz
porticu5 Port4Vert5Horz
porticuh HorzPortcullis
portwin1 SubPortSmall
potj1 FernPot
ppelbow GPipeElbow
pplat2x2 PPlate2x2
pplat44 Pllate4x4
ppstaple GPipeStaple
ppstr12f Gpipe12Feet
ppstr53f GPipe53Feet
presdor1 SubPressureDoor
prestair PressureStair
probook CamoButton-Book
prock1 RockFormLarge
prock2 RockFormMed
prock3 RockFormSmall
prock90 RockLedge
pumper Two-Axle Pump
purpturd HealingFruit
puttykn PuttyKnife
raft Raft
rail12x3 catwrail12x3
rail4x3 catwrail4x3
rail8x3 catwrail8x3
Rare ChartCompass
rat01 Rat
rat01 DeadRat
rbell DinnerBell
rbuzzer RamirezButton
rdinvham InvertedHammerGraf
regulate RegRound
remotcam CameraGrenade
ripple RippleRing
roblant lantern
robotche MechCherub
robotcom CombatBot
robotspj SpiderBot
Robotwoa M-WorkBot-CameraOut
robotwoa M-WorkBot-Searching
robotwor WorkerBot
RobRod02 ScurryBot
rock rock
rock2 boulder
rocplat RockLift
roof2317 RedTower
roof3015 PlainRoof30x15
roof4820 PlainBlue48x20
roof5220 BlueRoof52x20
roof6030 RedRoof60x30
roof8x8 BlueTower8x8
roof8x8c BlueTowerGroup
rope RopeArrowRope
rope PlacedRope
rope Rope
ropevine Vine
ropevine Vine8
ropevine Vine12
ropevine Vine16
ropevine Vine20
ropevine VineArrowVine
rosary Rosary
rotchick RotisserieChick
roulette RouletteTable
rowboat1 Rowboat
rubb01 Rubble01
rubble1 TexRepRubble
rubblew WoodRubble
sandbag2 spice
sandbag2 Sandbag
sawblade TurretSawblade
sbanner DragonBan
scare Scarecrow
scroll Scroll
scroll Papyrus
scroll QuoteList
scrollop PosterScroll
scrollop Unrolled Scroll
scut CutDragonBan
sdor4x4b 4x4SecretDoor
sdor5x2 2x2SecretDoor
sdor7x4 SecretDoor7x4
seq1 Sequoia1
seq2 Sequoia2
seqbran1 SeqBranch1
seqbran2 SeqBranch2
seqbran3 SeqBranch3
seqbran4 SeqBranch4
seqbran5 SeqBranch5
seqgrou1 SeqGrouping
sewlite SewerLite
sextant Sextant
sflin1 DragonFlin1
sflin10 DragonFlin10
sflin11 DragonFlin11
sflin2 DragonFlin2
sflin3 DragonFlin3
sflin4 DragonFlin4
sflin5 DragonFlin5
sflin6 DragonFlin6
sflin7 DragonFlin7
sflin8 DragonFlin8
sflin9 DragonFlin9
sflute SilverFlute
shard01 GlassFlinder1
shard02 GlassFlinder2
shard03 GlassFlinder3
shard04 GlassFlinder4
shard05 GlassFlinder5
shard06 GlassFlinder6
sheecow2 CovVicCouch
sherif2 Sheriff
Sheriff Default Avatar
Sheriff Default Avatar 1
Sheriff Default Avatar 2
Sheriff Default Avatar 3
Sheriff Default Avatar 4
SherPor TruartPortrait
shippeg ShipsWheelPeg
shipwh2 ShipsWheel
shovel Shovel
shovel SpotLightPoint
showfauc ShowerKnob
showhed ShowerFaucet
shutter Shutter
sidtab1 VicSquareSide
sidtab2 VicRoundSide
sinkspo1 SinkFaucet
site0 SiteSign
skelc3 spine-pelvis
skelc4 leg+foot
skelc5 arm+hand
skelc6 ribcage
skull Projectile
skull Skull
skull ApeClaw
skull Mosslauncher
skull GhostShot
skull TreeBeastClaw
skull Webs
skull Claws
skull ZombieClaw
skull BugClaw
skull CrayClaw
skull SpiderClaw
skull CritterShots
skull FireShower
skull TinyClaw
skylite Skylight
slidpan FloorPanel
slowvial SlowFallPotion
smalsafe Safe
smelt SmeltingCauldr
smwire Wire8
sofa RamSofa
sofchair RamSofaChair
SPboiler SpiderBotBoiler
speaker Loudspeaker
spear Spear
speedpot SpeedPotion
SPhead1 SpiderBotMainHead
SPHead2 SpiderBotCherubHead
spidalb SewerSpider
spidbea SpiderBeastFetal
spidey7 Spider
spidey7 HugeSpider
spidown SpiderBotCorpse
spikceil LC_SpikeCeiling
spine spine
spinesk spine+skull
SPleg SpiderBotLeg
SPmand SpiderBotMandible
spoon Wood Spoon
spotligh TheatricalSpot
sprwire WireSpool
steamwhi SteamWhistle
stocks Stocks
stool stool
strlant Streetlamp
strspot SpotStreetlamp
strspot OldSpotStreetlamp
strtlamp Streetlamp2
strtlamp OldStreetlamp2
stsign StreetSignCore
subhatch SubHatchSmall
subhelmt DiveHelmet
swcharc Arcing On/Off
swcharcb ArcingUnlabeled
swcharcb SmallArcingUnlabelled
swchthr JumperSwitch
swchup Sliding On/Off
swchupb Up/Down Switch
swchupc Flat Switch
swchwhe RotatingValve
SWGard01 sword guard
SWGard01 swordsman
SWGard01 Grunts
SWGard01 Sergeant
SWGard01 BankGuard
SWGard01 Cops
swgard02 BankSarge
SWGard02 swordguard2
SWGD103 BramGuard
sword Detailed Sword
swords Sword
swordsbr broke_sword
tabcabnt CabinetTable
table table
tabledes BrokenTable
tablefan FancyTable
tablfan2 LeavedTable
talismen AllTheTalismans
tank BigLiquidTank
tank1 MechTank1
tank2 MechTank2
target2 Target
target2 Bullseye
target3 MovingTarget
targetb PracticeDummy
tbanner TruartBan
tcut CutTruartBanner
telescop Telescope
testplat Tubelift
therm Thermometer
ThiefM01 ThiefMale
thiefm01 thief
ThiefM02 ThiefUnarmed
ThiefW01 ThiefFemale
toanteni AntennaSign
tombston tstone_ham
tomston2 tstone_simp
toolbox1 ToolBox
torc SerpentileTorc
torture Rack
tower CollectorTower
Trans01 Transformer01
Trans02 Transformer02
tray Tray
TrBeasOB TreeBeastObj
trbottle FineWine
trcandle GoldCStick
trcrown Tiara
trcrysta Gemstone
trdagger JewelledDagger
trebeast TreeBeast
trebran1 SingleBranch
tree01 Tree01
tree02 Tree02
tree03 Tree03
tree04 Tree04
tree05 Tree05
tree06 Tree06
Tree07 Tree07
treefal1 DetTree1Fall
treefal2 DetTree2Fall
treefal3 DetTree3Fall
treefl1 FFTree1
treefl2 FFTree2
treefl3 FFTree3
treefl4 FFTree4
treefl5 FFTree5
treej DetTree1Summer
treej2 DetTree2Summer
treej3 DetTree3Summer
treesno1 DetTree1Snow
treesno2 DetTree2Snow
treesno3 DetTree3Snow
treespr1 DetTree1Spring
treespr2 DetTree2Spring
treespr3 DetTree3Spring
treewin1 DetTree1Winter
treewin2 DetTree2Winter
treewin3 DetTree3Winter
tregrou1 RegGrouping
trgering GemRing
trgoble2 TrGobPurp
trgoblet GoldGoblet
triglyf TriggerGlyph
trneckl Necklace
trplate1 PorcelPlate
trplate2 GoldPlate
trring GoldRing
trsiring RamirezSignet
trsword JewelledSword
trvase TrVaseGreen
trvase2 TrVasePurp
trvase3 TrVaseIndigo
trvase4 TrVaseGold
Turbine Turbine
Turbine2 Turbine2
turnew0 TurretPart
Turnew1 BoltTurret
Turnew1 SawbladeTurret
Turnew1 Turret
Turnew1 CannonTurret
turshar1 TurretFlinder1
turshar2 TurretFlinder2
turshar3 TurretFlinder3
turshar4 TurretFlinder4
turshar5 TurretFlinder5
unitbox BigTreeBoughPhys
unitbox BigTreeTopPhys
vasej DecorVase
vasej2 DecorVase2
vatpole CrookedPole
vaultdor VaultDoor
vichaij1 VicBlueChair
viclampj VicFloorLamp
viclamsh CovLamp
vicobl1 VicBlueBench
victrola Victrola
vile1 Potions
vile1 HealingPotion
vile1a BeltHealingPotion
vile4 vase
vile4 PlainVase
vile4 TrVase
vile4 PhysTrolPt
vindec1 VineDecal1
vindec2 VineDecal2
vindec3 VineDecal3
vinej LongVine1
vinej2 LongVine2
vinej3 LongVine3
vinerail VineRail
vswitch1 VicLightSwitch
walspot WallSpotLight
walspot2 WallSpot2
watchfac ClockFace
watercry WaterCrystal
watpump Water Pump
watwheel WaterWheel
wax02 WaxCylinder
waypt Marker
waypt FindSecretTrap
waypt ambientSound
waypt ExpCorona
waypt LinkHub
waypt TrolPt
waypt TerrPt
waypt musictheme
waypt Explosion
waypt OmniLightPoint
waypt AnimLightPoint
waypt LookBackPt
waypt RelayTrap
waypt QuestVarTrap
waypt HackLight
waypt Vantage Pt
waypt BoundsTrigger
waypt Inverter
waypt TrapTrig
waypt FnordLock
waypt StoneHeadLipRamp
waypt StoneHeadSideWall
waypt bedpostphys
waypt ReleaseTrap
waypt CreateTrap
waypt RequireAllTrap
waypt DestroyTrap
waypt RequireAnyTrap
waypt RippleCore
waypt SoundTrap
waypt TeleportTrap
waypt NoBlood
waypt StoneHeadParts
waypt StoneHeadCranium
waypt StoneHeadNose
waypt StoneHeadBrow
waypt HammerIconHead
waypt StreetSignPhys
waypt WindowShade
waypt SteamPuffSpout
waypt MissingLoot
waypt RevertTrap
waypt FnordKaboom
waypt DeadfallTrap
waypt MineBounds
waypt PatrolTrap
waypt AlarmMarker
waypt EscapePoint
waypt FlickerTrigger
waypt QuestVarTrigger
waypt CrystalFingerTip
waypt DelayKaboom
waypt FireArrowExplosion
waypt VOTrap
waypt BigBoundsTrigger
waypt Capacitor
waypt ZomKaboom
waypt DelayZomKaboom
waypt Flee Point
waypt TrolPausePt
waypt rainsound
WBboiler WorkerBotBoiler
WBclaw WorkerBotClaw
WBfoot WorkerBotFoot
WBhead WorkerBotHead
WBthigh WorkerBotThigh
wcrat1 CrateFlinder1
wcrat2 CrateFlinder2
wcrat3 CrateFlinder3
wcratec WoodCrateSealed
wcratec HugeCrate
wcrateco OldCrateSealed
wcratel WoodCrateLid
wcutbd Cutting Board
weapcase WeaponDisplayCase
web JunkWebs
web2 QuickWebShot
web2 WebShot
weldmask WeldingMask
welmat DoorMat
win4x8 BreakWinS
win4x8 BreakWin
win4x8br BrokenWinS
win4x8br BrokenWin
win4x8gr TransWin5x11
win4x8gr TransWin
wisp_arm Will O'Wisp
wistle SignalWhistle
wmallet Wood Mallet
wmarm armorer
wmbakery bakery
wmberr2 BurkTrof
wmcobra2 CobraTrof
wmcray2 CrayTrof
wmdairy dairy
wmfish fishmonger
wmmach machinist
wmmeat butcher
wmpsyhic psychic
wmpub pub
wmveg greengrocer
wmweap weapsmith
womsev01 FemServ2
womsev01 FemLibraryPhantom
womsev02 FemServ3
womsev03 FemServ1
worboil boiler
worclaw claw
wordown WorkerBotCorpse
worfoot foot
worhead head
worlarm left arm
worleg leg
worthigh thigh
wrollpin Rolling Pin
zom01 ZombieTypes
zom01 FreshZombie
zom02 FemZombie
zom03 Zombie
zom1 ZomFoot
zom10 ZomHead
zom2 ZomLeg
zom3 ZomLeg+Foot
zom4 ZomPelvis+Thigh
zom5 ZomTorso
zom6 ZomUpperArm
zom7 ZomArm+Hand
zom8 ZomArm
zom9 ZomHand